18th May 2023. 8.58am
Regency View:
DE-LISTING Kape Technologies (KAPE)
Kape Technologies de-listing confirmed
Unikmind Holdings has increased its offer for the share capital of Kape Technologies and declared it as final.
The Increased and Final Offer, priced at US$3.60 per share, received a positive response from Kape’s independent directors. The offer closed on May 19, 2023, and Unikmind received valid acceptances for approximately 28.52% of Kape’s issued ordinary share capital.
Combined with Unikmind’s existing holdings, they now have an interest in or acceptances for about 98.54% of Kape’s share capital.
Kape is expected to be delisted from AIM on May 31, 2023, as Unikmind intends to exercise its squeeze-out rights to acquire the remaining shares.
The delisting is disappointing as Kape is high quality company that is well positioned for long-term growth.
Clients have the option of closing their position at a small capital gain or remaining in the private company as a shareholder.
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